Mark Dominesey, Christiansburg, VA USA
Mountain Biking BackPacking Lost Water Farm Firewood What Do You Think? Links


How would you like to buy some high quality split hardwood to use in your fireplace or stove?  If so, feel free to fill out the form below or phone me and we can set up a delivery date and location.

The firewood delivered will be a mix of Locust, Oak, Maple, Cherry, Hickory and Poplar.  There is absolutely no pine ever in these loads.  Stacked, each load approximates 3/4 of a cord.  The firewood is split, loaded, unloaded, and stacked at the customer's location.

Please contact Mark Dominesey if you are unable to order firewood using this form: 540-382-5066,

P.S.  The price of the firewood is $65 for a 3/4 cord load (F-150), $30 for a 1/3 cord load (Subaru BRAT)

Please supply the following information:

Street Address
Work Phone
Home Phone

Please enter the desired delivery date.

-- mm/dd/yy

Please Enter the desired time of delivery.

-- hh:mm:ss am/pm

How many loads of wood would you like?

Please add any additional information such as questions or special instructions.


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